A Model for Decision Making in Games, Part One: Action Selection

Two weeks ago I wrote an article defining worker placement in response to some rather loose use of the term. I thought I might get some disagreement on my definition, but instead I got disagreement on the use of the mechanic itself. Some people apparently hate worker placement because they feel that it restricts their choices and has made previously complex games simple. I disagree, because I think the comments reflected a somewhat superficial understanding of how decisions are actually made in games. Though it’s quite possible that some worker-placement games have fewer meaningful choices than some pre-worker-placement games, I don’t believe that it’s endemic in the category of play, and I’m certain that it’s not a requirement. That’s because worker placement only affects one phase of the decision making process — and not the one that leads to the most voluminous set of options. Hence, this article, the first of three. It’s not about worker placement specifically, but rather about the whole spectrum of decision making in games (and how worker placement fits into that).

Introduction to Decision Making

When you make a decision in a game, it comes in three parts: what you are doing; how you are doing it; and what the results are. The first two parts of that formula represent an ever-branching tree of options, while the last part involves the mechanics of the game system churning out the results.

Figure 1. The three parts of decision making.

You can also look at these three parts of a decision from a more game-centric point of view. Since games tend to be about actions, the decision points translate to action phases. Together, they comprise the frontend of a game, the player-focused portion.

Figure 2. The three phases of game decisions.

Though every game has these three phases, often one or two phases will be degenerated. Perhaps there’s only one action you can do in a game; perhaps there are no additional choices after you choose your action; and perhaps the results of an action automatically occur. However, a designer should still consider all three phases because they represent the full panoply of game-decision choices. (Spoiler: worker placement is only an element of the first phase; and spoiler: it may often have degenerated second and third phases.)

Phase 1: Action Selection

Action selection is perhaps the driest part of the decision-making process. It’s a level removed from the theme and the backend mechanics of the game and simply involves a player choosing which of several type of actions he wants to take. Thus, it’s pretty impressive that several types of games (action-point games, simultaneous-selection games, card-drafting games, deckbuilding games, and of course worker-placement games) are defined primarily by their action-selection method.

Generally, eurogames have focused the most on the action-selection element of game design. Traditional games and Anglo-American games are more likely to incorporate a degenerated action-selection phase that supports only one action.

The following lists the major types of action selection. Most games are defined by one or more of these action-selection methods.

Option 1a: Basic Action Selection

Basic action selection defines the most traditional elements of action selection. These are the mechanics that are likely to be found in any game, no matter what its heritage, and which are the foundation stones for more complex (usually limited) action selection.

Figure 3. Elements of basic action selection.

The most basic differentiation for action selection defines whether players get to actually select actions or not.

Singular Selection. A degenerated type of action selection, where players have no choice of action type: there’s just a singular option. Examples include Monopoly (roll the dice), Chess (move a piece), and Memoir ’44 (play a card). Obviously, that singular choice then branches out in action execution, but players do not decide among different classes of actions before that.

Rules Selection. The traditional, unsophisticated methodology for action selection. The rules list out several major types of actions that players can take, and players have to remember them. Perhaps the game offers a minor aid, such as a player screen, but it’s not well centralized. Tigris & Euphrates offers a typical example. Players can place a civilization tile; place a catastrophe tile; move, withdraw, or place a leader; or refresh their hands. Call it four actions or six if you differentiate all the leader possibilities. Tigris & Euphrates’ options are listed on player screens that players mostly ignore.

Some games not only allow action selection, but also support the selection of multiple actions every turn.

Action Points. Players are given a set number of action points each turn and can divide them up between multiple actions. In a simple action point system such as Pandemic all actions have the same cost. In a more complex action system such as Tikal (and the rest of Kramer & Kiesling’s Masks series) or Tinners’ Trail different actions have different action-point costs.

Action ResourcesPlayers have a theoretically unlimited number of actions, but they are effectively bounded by the resources that they must spend to take those actions. If some actions don’t cost resources, then they must be explicitly limited. The Settlers of Catan is the classic example of Action Resources: players trade or build until they no longer have resources to do anything useful. Terraforming Mars is a more recent example of an Action Resources game: players play cards and build standard projects by spending money (and sometimes other resources), and also enact blue-card actions, which are limited to once per round (generation).

Finally, basic action selection can be made intuitive.

Menu Selection (or sometimes just: Action Selection). This is just rules selection with a better marketing team. The possible actions have been moved to a player aid or to the board itself, to make sure that they’re always visible. Icons are typically used to make the options even more obvious and accessible. The game aids in Settlers of Catan are a fine example of rules selection made graphical, while the original version of Tinners’ Trail places its options right on the board itself.

The ability to take different sorts of actions and beyond that different numbers of actions is exciting and a big expansion over a game that just requires the same action turn after turn. It’s a large-scale change from classic games without any sort of action selection and a foundational building stone of These Games of Ours.

Option 1b: Limited Action Selection

Basic action selection allows a player to choose what they’re going to do and do it. No muss, no fuss. But over the last few decades clever designers have come up with various ways to ensure that players can’t always do what they wanted to do. This takes the usually staid action-selection phase of the game and turns it into something strategic. Thus far, limited action selection has largely fallen into three categories: hidden action selection, constrained action selection, and conflicted action selection.

Figure 4. Options for limited action selection.

Hidden action selection means that players don’t know what their opponents are doing when they make their choice.

Simultaneous Selection. Players all secretly make an action choice and then simultaneously reveal them, before taking those actions in some set order. Many games introduce conflict into simultaneous selection by punishing players if they make the same choice as someone else, but this isn’t a strict requirement. Basari is an example of a traditional simultaneous-selection game where players only get to take their action freely if they don’t match someone else (and otherwise have to negotiate to see who pays whom for the action). Diplomacy, Wallenstein/Shogun, and Roborally are all examples of Programmed Move simultaneous-selection games, where the limitations come mainly from the surprising interactions of the moves.

Constrained action selection take actions out of the traditional menu and places them on some other component, which in some way limits action choices.

Rondels. The rondel is a mechanism used almost (but not entirely) exclusively by Mac Gerdts. Actions are placed in the slices of a pie chart, and a player moves a few places clockwise on that chart each turn to select an action. This usually gives a player an option of 1-3 actions on a turn and limits most actions to being taken only every two or three turns.  Gerdts’ Antike is a prime example of his simple style of roundel. Examples by other designers include Wolfgang Sentker & Ralf zur Linde’s Finca (which has a variable rondel, and which uses game state to determine distance moved) and Stefan Feld’s Trajan (which uses a Mancala mechanic for rondel movement). This is a very game-y mechanic that has little linkage to game theme, but it nicely constrains choices and introduces tactical and strategic consideration.

Deck ManagementEffectively a rondel system with different components and slightly different constraints. Here, each player has a personal deck of action cards. They play through them one a turn and at some point can spend a turn to get back all their action-cards. Like the roundel, this prevents players from taking the same actions in close proximity to each other, but offers a different sort of player control, as the player can choose when to “waste” a turn, just to get their cards back. Gerdts proved how similar roundels and deck management are by turning to the latter mechanic starting with Concordia. Other examples include Kreta and Assault of the Giants.

Deck Building. A second take on action constraints based on cards. This time, the players purchase their own action-cards turn by turn, using the resources on their cards. This means that sometimes cards are played as non-actions: for their currency. But sometimes they’re also played to have specific effects. It shows have action representatives (such as cards) can actually have multiple effects. Dominion introduced this trend, and there have been a billion games since.

Card Drafting. A third take on action constraints based on cards. Here, the players are given a random set of actions on cards and each take one and pass the rest on the next player, who takes one … Card Drafting is often not lumped in with other action-selection mechanisms because there tends to be a disconnect: the card drafting and the card play tend to be different phases, whereas most action selection is an atomic action. However, when you put the card drafting and play together you definitely have a full-fledged action-selection phase. 7 Wonders is a card drafting game that only feels marginally like action selection because its cards tend to give you resources and points and feel less like actions, but Midgard and its successor Blood Rage more obviously show how card drafting is fundamentally actions selection, because the drafting gives players actions that they later use.

Card Drafting also introduces conflict to action selection, because when one player takes an action-card, the other players can’t. This is the whole basis for the last category of limited-style action-selection methods.

Role Selection. Card drafting wasn’t in much use in the eurogame industry when role selection first appeared. Nonetheless, the two categories of play look almost identical when you consider their core mechanics, especially when you look at one of the foundational role-selection games, Citadels. There, one action-card is removed from a collection of eight static  cards, then the rest are given to the players who draft them around the table. The main difference between this and regular card drafting is that the actions are all known and regularized, not a random set of cards. However, in most role-selection games, role cards are set out on the table, then taken one by one, as was the case with Verräter and Meuterer. 

Phase Selection. A very common variant of role selection that gives everyone the option to participate in a role action when it’s selected. In fact, this is so common that many consider it part of role selection’s core definition. (I remain agnostic, other than pointing out that the earliest role-selection games didn’t include this element.) In games like Puerto Rico and Race for the Galaxy, everyone gets to use a slightly lesser version of the action; while in Glory to Rome they participate only if they have a matching action card already available on their board, and in Eminent Domain they do so only if they have a matching action card in their hand.

Worker Placement. And finally, there’s the ever-popular (or not!) mechanic of worker-placement, which is a lot like role selection (or card drafting), but where the actions are instead printed on the board, where they cost a resource to take, and where the set of actions might grow over time. Caylus and Agricola are the two founders of this particular boardgaming dynasty, and there have probably been hundreds since.

Other mechanics such as Auctions can also be used for action-selection, but even moreso than Card Drafting and Deckbuilding, that tends to be a minor element in the overall usage of a backend “core mechanic”. Actions can also be determined by the random draw of cards or tiles or the random roll of dice. There are really countless possibilities. The above listing is simply some of the most common and most explicit ways to choose actions in a decision-making system.

Having not just multiple actions and multiple types of actions but actions with strategic nuance is another foundational building block for eurogames, placed right atop the possibility for basic action selection. By hiding player actions, limiting player actions, or conflicting player actions, a game design can introduce interesting gameplay into the very choice of action, which once upon a time was a simple decision.

It’s no surprise that this style of mechanic, in its many variations, has been a constant obsession of eurogames, starting with simultaneous selection, then moving through role selection, rondels, card drafting, deck building, and deck management until it hit the worker placement that has taken over today’s industry. There will probably be a next mechanic and a next mechanic that also limit actions in different ways.

It’s also no surprise that I’ve also written about these mechanics a lot, including: a discussion on the relationship between rondels and deck management; a three-part ode to “role civilization” games (an introduction, a look at empire games, a look at galactic games), which are a particular branch of role selection; a look at the definition of worker placement; and a whole slew of deckbuilding articles.


Action selection is just the beginning. After a player chooses an action, they then have to make choices about how to apply that action in the action execution phase. Sometimes, those choices might be very big, as in Tigris & Euphrates, where players realistically have dozens of choices for where to place each tile or marker. Sometimes, those choices are degenerated to the point of choicelessness: in Agricola, if a player takes a resource from a resource action-space, he usually has no additional option.

However, a particular action-selection method does not require a particular action-execution method. It’s likely that if one is wide, the other will be narrow, to avoid overwhelming the players, but even that isn’t requirement. Four menu choices could have no execution choices or a million execution choices; a dozen worker-placement spaces could similarly lead to no execution choices or a million of them.

In the next article, I’ll more briefly look at the options of action execution and action resolution, before talking about how this ties in to the core mechanics of a game’s backend. Then I’ll finish up this series in a third article with a number of case studies, to take the theory out for a test spin. I’ll see you back here for that (after my usual article on the last quarter’s games played, as the top of October).

The little graphical icons that accompany this article’s figures are borrowed from a comprehensive set of icons that artist Keith Curtis designed for myself and Christopher Allen to help illustrate our upcoming book on cooperative design, Meeples Together. Except the roundel icon. There apparently aren’t rondel-based co-op games (yet!).

You’ll also see some bonus articles about co-op design here starting next month, when we put Meeples Together out for Kickstarter. You can sign up now for a one-time email when we go live with that Kickstarter.

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12 thoughts on “A Model for Decision Making in Games, Part One: Action Selection

  1. “The ability to take different sorts of actions and beyond that different numbers of actions is exciting and a big expansion over a game that just requires the same action turn after turn.”

    A big expansion of what? I mean, plenty of people still seem to think Go is a pretty good game…

    • Go has no action selection. You take the same action turn after turn. The variety is in how you execute that expansion via placement on a specific place on the board.

      • The argument is that the selection of different options pre-selected by the designer for the action selection “phase” is still much much narrower that the options available to players via “execution of action” “phase” in Go.

        Comparison is of the whole game.

        [Doesn’t really make sense otherwise. As I said for your previous article – action selection just shifted the place of where options happen from let’s say the gameboard to the action selection menu. But as a shared gameboard can have emergent properties and thus options could emerge nobody predicted for, such games will have a wider selection of option as opposed to games where options are individually selected and tied to actions. Go has one action, but zillion of options, worker placement has as many options as there are actions.]

      • That was my point – I wasn’t sure what you meant by saying that action selection offers a ‘big expansion’ over taking the same action turn after turn.

        • I feel like it opens up a whole separate, and orthogonal space for strategy, separate from the typical execution-side options. That’s particular true for the fact that actions can be constrained in various ways: by game features or by opponents.

          Do I mean to say that it offers more or better options than Go? No. It’s just a wider design space to play with.

          (In fact you’ll note that I say that American and traditional games often minimize action selection, but that worker-placement is an example of a style that instead tends to minimize action execution. More on that in four weeks, then some case studies in six.)

          • Yeah, I think this is where I disagree. Actions can (and should) be constrained by game features and your opponents in games that only have execution too. I just don’t really see selection and execution as being that fundamentally different.

          • That’s a fair disagreement. I think that by separating out what I see as the two parts of the equation you can consider some interesting game design possibilities, but I also suspect that the average player wouldn’t see a difference and some mechanics can crossover both of my phases.

            But, maybe you’ll find that my article in four weeks offers some meaningful differentiation.

  2. “Hence, this article, the first of three. It’s not about worker placement specifically, but rather about the whole spectrum of decision making in games”

    It’s not. It’s about constraining players to a decision tree prefabricated for them by the designer. This article isn’t about how decisions work, but how to trap players and take away their freedom to act.

    “Though it’s quite possible that some worker-placement games have fewer meaningful choices than some pre-worker-placement games, I don’t believe that ”

    I’ll quote myself from another discussion:
    For me “fast food” boardgames doesn’t necessarily mean “light games”, but in terms of hobby gaming they mean games which all have the same investment type and this type of investment is being automated. I’ll explain.

    In films automated investment types are “realism” (we relate to characters and situations as if they were real life events) and “identification” (emotionally investing into protagonist and their agenda). There’s nothing necessary about these investment types and the cinema medium which could be 1 hour of watching a filmed movement of clouds passing by, or VJing or whathaveyou.

    In hobby boardgaming the investment type is what I call “execution of rules”. Take workerplacments or drafting games (of 7W type) – all the options you will have in the game are present on the option menu which the designer handily created for your enjoyment. It’s completely unlike for instance Condottiere where you have to find options (or even create them) in the interactive space. Which means that with this “menu of options” manoeuvre that effectively makes an equation of “action = option” designer has completely eliminated the perceiving skill of being able to spot options – a whole range of investment types gets thrown out of metaphorical window (Riding the groupthink? Nope, there’s no groupthink. Reading people? There’s no people in the game’s space to be read.) Secondly, there’s no way to create options as designer already did this bit, “for your enjoyment”. This is for me “fast food” – designer pre-preparing my meal, taking the game’s spaces, cutting in all neatly in options, arranging them on a menu, and all I can do is metaphorically stuff them in my mouth. That’s the whole creativity allowed. Okay, what’s actually happening is that players juggle these options around in finding the most efficient optimal solution to the puzzle-y challenge. Yet in doing so, they’re not finding options, there’s nothing emerging, all the options are already pre-baked – which is what I metaphorically call “merely executing rules”. You’re just taking a burger and chomp down on it, bite by bite, that’s all.

    I’m talking about mainstream within the hobby culture. Where the games which are easy to access are everywhere – all workerplacements, all drafting games, all Feld games, all games that are none of these yet play the same, they all play the same. All you do is take bits, internalise them, optimise the hell out of them and voila – a point bouquet. When you know how to invest in these type of games, you can play all of them – execute actions with primary focus on player-to-game relations and this is it. Ad infinitum. Also such games with their focus on player solving the game puzzle, emphasise the player-to-publisher relation as opposed to player-to-player relation. Which means: consumerism. Which means – taking any game out of “workerplacement restaurant”, opening it up, “exploring its space” and then when this is done after couple of games, get a new game (there are reports of groups doing exactly this). What’s being absent is the group dynamic, the relationship with people we play with through playing of games. So we are losing the community component of gaming, the ethical dimension, for the consumeristic focus on “I want my enjoyment now dang it!”.

    What you continuosly fail to include and understand is:

    There’s a skill to observation which means finding options, finding relevant information on which to do decisions on, and finding nonobvious ways of doing decisions. There’s a skill to detecting the groupthink and exploiting it, there’s a skill to reading people, reading group dynamics – all these areas have options appearing and disappearing all the time. What you basically propose between the lines is cutting away the entire skill of observation as relevant to a boardgame. And it’s the skill of observation (and then the act of creative apllication) which can find 20 options on the spot and 6 of them just linked to that particular player. No matter how many “options=action” cards or tokens or whathaveyou you craft into your mechanistic contraptions, they’ll always be limited, they’ll always have a ceiling. In game enviroments where options are emerging there’ll ALWAYS be more of them than whatever any designer can come up with.
    If I play a card in Kakerlakenpoker, okay I have this many cards, I can claim this many statements (that may be true or false) and have as many possible targets as are people sitting around me, but options open up – who has what cards in front of them, is anybody close to losing a game, what is my position, who should I target to get the end effect – are they likely to pass a card or call it out, what tone of voice should I use, should I act to be insecure, what kind of signals do I want to pass on to people reading my signals, whom have I noticed to be more or less versed in facereading, what are other player’s playing patterns (up till now), what happened in the previous game and can the shared knowledge of what happened be exploited and so on and on.

    There’s more to effecting a game’s outcome than mechanistic IF-THEN causal trains. If players are allowed to enter the game’s space with their humanity (their psychology, their group dynamics, their observations skills) then things will happen outside narrowly defined if-then corridors. There will be groupthink, there will be confusion, there will be reading of game situation, social situation, of people. Sympathies will form in silence with no formal agreement and fall apart, maybe emerge again, maybe act as alliances for a turn or one action. Many of these interactions we humans do without noticing – it’s empathy, it’s hanging out together, and this field of togetherness has patterns and there’s a certain type of logic – and all of this can enter gameplay.

    What this article above does, is basically ignoring that actions and options and choices and decisions can be created by players. It completely eliminates and carpet bombs players from having any agency in influencing the game’s space. Instead it’s a description of a pre-fabricated PUZZLE. A causal chain of pre-fabricated wagons bumping into one another like in those tedious high school physics textbooks – and this could only be done by eliminating the terrain, the drivers of these wagons, the passengers, the animals passing the track and putting everything is a sterile predictable and controllable box. Which is basically what puzzles do.
    Be it a physical puzzle or a boardgame puzzle.

    • What you fail to understand is that your ridiculous claim that certain-games-that-you-don’t-like “trap players and take away their freedom to act” is actually a description of all board games. They’re all about a game designer who specifically guides player actions down certain paths. If there are certain games that you don’t like, you shouldn’t play them.

      • “a description of all board games. They’re all about a game designer who specifically guides player actions down certain paths.”

        Maybe you don’t understand my claim?

        In Diplomacy alliances are a major part of gameplay, there are whole articles written about this or that pairng, but alliances are nowhere in the rules. They’re not part of “designer guiding players down that path”.

        In Kakerlakenpoker designer didn’t have to predict that game could escalate down the path of acting, being aware of one’s facial expression, and how exactly will this look.

        In games where players balance the game – Smallworld, Citow, most DoaMs, designer doesn’t need to know how this will done, if it will be done at all. Designer doesn’t impose their own control over game’s environment and installs balance, instead players are free to do this on their own (or not) with some basic tools at their disposal.

        These are cases of designer doing the opposite – explicitly NOT guiding players down a certain path, but letting them roam around, maybe find a path, miss a path or create their own path (as is the case with alliances in Diplomacy).

        “If there are certain games that you don’t like, you shouldn’t play them.”

        Ad hominem? Oh, my.

        What I am however guilty of trying to stop the mentality of those games spreading from their genre onto other genres as they create a barren empty landscape in their path. Especially with designers that don’t understand other genres and what makes them tick, and are thus restructuring entire boardgame landscape into this narrow ended eurogame puzzle. Such cases are for instance Celestia (reworking of Cloud 9) and Cash and Guns 2nd ed. – in both cases people working on 2nd edition failed to understand how psychology entered the original games and created tension. So they stuffed gamey stuff in there (manipulation of puzzly elements) which dilutes what made the games interesting in the first place. However these developers seemed to have too rarely raised their heads above the level of table surface and missed options and dynamics hovering above the table. Or maybe they simply couldn’t grasp or acknowledge the existance of game that is not in manipulating the puzzle the designer left for them. And because of such people and such consequences I post what I post.

        You and others saying “this does not exist” is exactly the cause of the problem, which is re-forming the hobby gaming into a monotonous surface of addictive action=option sweets, that take little effort to grok, play, and enjoy. Noticing options in a space co-created by players takes some more effort, but it’s rewarding and ethical (i.e. involves all sorts of exchanges on human to human level). Now those who never took the effort to notice subtler options emerging in gameplay are screaming “these don’t exist, there’s nothing there”. Which is why I post. To testify.

        I was hoping some sort of intellectual exchange is possible here, but …
        Maybe taking a day to sleep it over would help? 🙂

  3. “Action selection is just the beginning. After a player chooses an action, they then have to make choices about how to apply that action in the action execution phase. ”

    Question: Why does everything have to be compartmentalised?
    Answer: Obviously to be controlled.

    When a game is driven by players and players can influence it, the actions don’t really matters, they’re basic tools like a hunting knife. But with some skill one can use a hunting knife in zillion of ways – creating other tools, skinning animals, opening a beer bottle, … In such a situation players will not look at the game in the compartmentalised way, they’ll look holistically “what I want to do and how” – and then they’ll take some actions in a particular way, while giving off certain social clues, and then … BAM … they take Berlin.

    This compartmentalisation ignores players as agents that can do stuff designer didn’t predict and didn’t have to. Instead the goal is control.

    “Sometimes, those choices are degenerated to the point of choicelessness: in Agricola, if a player takes a resource from a resource action-space, he usually has no additional option.”

    This is not “sometimes”, this is basically how games are designed nowadays (yay for euro-puzzles). All the workerplacements, all drafting games, the engine builders, the deck builders, the Felds, the Uwes, the games that are none of the above but play the same – eliminate players as agents that can find and create options. All the choices are prefabricated and then put into a menu of this or that type.

    And what’s even more it’s that this type of design, with lack of player agency is obviously the lens through which you look at game design in general. Which then gets really odd when you look at games that aren’t made inside “action=option” paradigm.

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